
Welcome to Northern Beaches Nutrition

At Northern Beaches Nutrition our goal is your good health and our job is to help you achieve it. We’ll work with you to restore your health so that you can perform at your best and give you the skills to sustain this throughout your lifetime. So how do we do this ? We’ll help you establish realistic and achievable goals. Good nutrition doesn’t need to be boring and restrictive. In fact, it can be exciting, liberating and positively delicious. So if you are ready to take control of your health and enjoy a longer and healthier life let us help you take the next step.

Restore | Perform | Sustain


… your health.

Good health requires a body in balance. However, our modern day lifestyle and diet can sabotage this. Restore your balance with the right nutrition and lifestyle choices.


… at your best.

Whether in your day to day life or for a special event, knowing the right nutritional choice and lifestyle practices can make all the difference. Are you ready to perform at your best ?


… for life.

Continue to support your body in its quest for balance. A body in balance can enjoy the best of life for a lifetime.

Our approach

Just as our body craves balance, at Northern Beaches Nutrition we have a balanced approach to nutrition. Combining food, lifestyle and supplements where required, we work with you to establish a plan that works for you and that you are able to maintain.
Good nutrition needn’t be hard but it does require commitment and support. At Northern Beaches Nutrition we strive to inspire, educate, enable and support you in making the right choices for your health both now and into the future.
With an Advanced Diploma of Nutritional Medicine and a Bachelor of Education in Science, Sue is qualified to offer balanced, evidence based nutritional advice that will suit your lifestyle and goals. Sue will make you feel at ease and inspire you to take control of your health.

How can I help?


The right nutrition can heal, cleanse, energise and help your body perform at it’s best. But where do you start ? We’ll help cut through the confusion and come up with a realistic plan that makes sense to you and your lifestyle.

What makes a healthy lifestyle?

In one word – BALANCE. There are four basic elements for a healthy lifestyle – nutrition, exercise, sleep, and relaxation. When we give each of these factors our attention, we achieve balance and our bodies can function for us the way they should.

“The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.”
Ann Wigmore
“Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.”
Michael Pollan
“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”
Jim Rohn
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”