Spending a bit more time at home at present? Find yourself staring into an open cupboard or refrigerator and unsure of how you got there? Or maybe you know exactly how you got there – you feel hungry all the time now your home.

You’ll be pleased to know that you are not alone and that these behaviours are being experienced by many across the world right now. Be it from boredom, need for a change of scenery or just something to break up the day – many of us are reaching for food to fill the space where normality and regular routine used to sit. Or maybe your using food to prop you up emotionally– the world feels safe and secure when you have a cup of hot chocolate in your hands right?

Given that social distancing, and for some isolation, is our indefinite reality for the moment now is the perfect time to remind ourselves about the simple things we can do to keep our health in check while at home and ensure we don’t take our social isolation muffin top with us when we venture out into reality once more. Take the quiz to help prompt you into healthy behaviours (and feel normal at the same time) 😉


Question 1. You’re working from home and are suddenly overwhelmed with hunger. Do you:

a)Run to the cupboard and grab the chips I mean calories don’t count in isolation right?

b)Have a second breakfast. After all it works for hobbits.

c)Have a glass of water and think about your choices.

d) Eat last nights leftovers before the kids can.


Answer (C) Sometimes our signals for thirst can be misinterpreted for hunger. Just to make sure have a glass of water first and take a moment to decide if you really are hungry and if so what would be a good choice to make.



Question 2. You’re staring at your computer screen. To encourage inspiration to strike you:

a) Open the fridge and stare mindlessly at the contents before grabbing something to eat even though you’re not hungry.

b)  Take another look through instagram.

c)  Make yourself another coffee – the caffeine will make you feel more alert.

d)  Step away from the computer and do some stretching.


Answer (D) Moving away from your computer, resetting your posture and doing a few stretching exercises can increase blood flow to your body and most importantly your brain and get the creative juices flowing once more.



Question 3. You are feeling a little sniffly. Should you:

a) Go back to bed and binge on Netflix.

b) Make yourself a cup of ginger tea or orange juice and sit in the sunshine for a few minutes.

c) Eat some chocolate – you’ve heard its full of antioxidants.

d) Buy a box of tissues off the blackmarket.


Answer (B) Even if ginger tea isn’t your thing having some vitamin C and grabbing some safe sun exposure to increase your vitamin D levels will help to support your immune system as it fights away the nasties.



Question 4. Finally, its time for lunch!  You:

a) Order delivery from KFC – it’s good to keep people in work.

b) Have some toast – you really don’t have the brain power for anything else right now.

c) Heat up a frozen pizza. If no-one can see what you’re eating it doesn’t count.

d) Mix a tin of tuna through some greens and salad vege and add in some lemon and olive oil as a dressing. Wow that didn’t take long at all.


Answer (D) While its kind of you to want to keep people in a job it’s doing nothing for your waistline unless you’re the one peddling the delivery bike. Mixing some lemon, garlic and olive oil through leafy greens, some coloured vege and throwing in some protein like chicken, tuna or egg takes no time at all and provides you with everyhting you need to satisfy your hunger for the afternoon while supporting your immune and digestive health.



Question 5. This whole corona pandemic is causing you to become very stressed. To try and calm down you:

a) Get some ‘me’ time by staying up late binging on your favourite show.

b) Take up that meditation course you’ve been meaning to do and get some decent sleep.

c) Break out the secret stash of red frogs.

d) Investigate whether you prefer red, white or rosé best (in no particular order)


Answer (B) Doing some form of relaxation or meditation for 5-10minutes a day and getting good quality sleep can help ease your stress levels and as a bonus boost your immune system.


Hopefully some reminders here about how to keep healthy during this difficult time. If you’d like some more support for your health Northern Beaches Nutrition is open for business for online consultations or menu planning advice. Call or message me for available times and above all stay safe and well.